O que você não sabe está nos matando
Você não precisa fumar para ser afetado pela indústria do tabaco.

For years, the tobacco industry has entered our lives, spreading lies about the risks of its products and targeting low- and middle-income countries, blacks, indigenous peoples, people of color and young people around the world.
You don’t have to be a tobacco user to be affected by the industry’s insidious tactics. Tobacco companies use teams of lobbyists, hidden from public view, to persuade decision makers to establish policies that help the industry’s profits but harm public health. They’ve even been accused of bribery and human rights violations—anything to keep their market intact.
As tobacco control initiatives help reduce global smoking rates, these companies will go even lower to reach new markets and consumers—because they need to hook new customers to replace those who die from using their products. STOP is exposing the even darker side of an already secretive industry.
It’s time to hold the tobacco industry accountable for its lies, unethical behavior and damage to public health, because what you don’t know is killing us.