The Philip Morris Funded Foundation for Smoke-Free World

June 19, 2019

Note: In May 2024, FSFW changed its name to Global Action to End Smoking.

This “Industry Watch” summary from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) explains how the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW), funded entirely by Philip Morris International, follows the tobacco industry’s established pattern of fighting efforts to reduce smoking by attempting to discredit independent scientific evidence, mislead the public, and divert attention from the company’s harmful actions.

CTFK notes that Philip Morris is a major cause of the global tobacco epidemic and a primary obstacle to greater progress. If it really wanted a smoke-free world, the company would support the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and stop all marketing of cigarettes. CTFK provides links to further materials on this subject, relevant statements from other health organizations, and related news and journal articles. It concludes with a graphic summary of PMI’s “empty promises” since 1954, including claims that it would stop selling cigarettes if they were proven to be harmful to health.

The Philip Morris Funded Foundation for Smoke-Free World