“Tobacco Slave” Panel Discussions with Director and Experts

November 09, 2023

STOP’s film, “Tobacco Slave,” sheds light on the working conditions of tobacco farmers in Malawi. Although they provide crops to some of the world’s largest tobacco companies, many are trapped in a cycle of poverty stemming from unfair and exploitative farming contracts.

In New York City and Bristol, audiences gathered to watch the film and hear panels of experts discuss the issue in more depth. Watch the panel discussions and audience Q&As to learn more about the labor conditions on tobacco farms—and how farmers can move away from tobacco.

New York Speakers:

  • Roy Maconachie, Director of “Tobacco Slave”
  • Noy Thrupkaew, Director of the Ida B. Wells Fellowship Program at Type Investigations
  • Shakuntala Santhiran, International broadcast journalist
  • Jorge Alday, Director, STOP

Bristol Speakers: 

  • Roy Maconachie, Director of “Tobacco Slave”
  • Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor of Bristol
  • Dr. Lonjezo Masikini-Phiri, lecturer at Bath College
  • Jendayi Serwah, founder of the John Lynch Afrikan Education Programme
“Tobacco Slave” Panel Discussions with Director and Experts