Tobacco Industry Allies

Shining the Light on Tobacco Industry Allies

Together, we expose the interest groups that help tobacco companies undermine public health. Use your cursor to see who they really are.

Uncover the Truth About These Organizations

The tobacco industry is the single greatest barrier to reducing deaths caused by tobacco use. To keep selling its products it needs to make sure tobacco control policies don’t come into effect or are rendered ineffective.

Some tobacco industry allies are easy to spot, such as tobacco trade associations or public relations firms working for tobacco companies. But the industry also disguises its operations using seemingly independent organizations.

  • Astroturf

  • Front Group

  • Third Party

We are shining the light on some of these organizations. Search by name, location or category to uncover how these groups undermine public health. If you see any we’ve missed, or have more evidence, let us know.

For more details about our definitions and methodology, please view our research overview.

* Indicates suspected third parties whose poor financial transparency makes it impossible to prove or disprove tobacco industry funding.

See the global effort to undermine public health


London, United Kingdom

Academy of Ideas (previously Institute of Ideas) *

Third Party
Bogota, Colombia

Acción Técnica Social

Third Party
London, United Kingdom

Adam Smith Institute *

Third Party
Jakarta, Indonesia

Aliansi Masyarakat Tembakau Indonesia (AMTI)

Front Group
Sydney, Australia

Alliance of Australian Retailers (AAR)

Front Group
Islamabad, Pakistan

Alternative Research Initiative

Third Party
Hong Kong, China

American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

Third Party
Washington, DC, United States

American Enterprise Institute (AEI)*

Third Party
Brussels, Belgium

American European Community Association*

Third Party

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