Tobacco Industry Interference at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

September 10, 2019

The tobacco industry tried interference tactics at the 74th UN General Assembly (UNGA). Its goal to profit despite the deaths and diseases it causes is inherently irreconcilable with the United Nation (UN)’s goal towards sustainable development. The industry’s products continue to kill up to 8 million people annually, and the tobacco business leads to a net loss to the world economy. Association with the UNGA or UN bodies allows the tobacco industry to clean its sordid corporate image, to gain legitimacy and credibility, to sell more lethal products and to detract attention from the harms caused to health and the environment.

This brief prepared by STOP lays out the issues with the tobacco industry’s interference at the UN and provides recommendations for UNGA delegates and advocates on how to counter this tactic.

Tobacco Industry Interference at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)