3 Ways the Industry Hooks the Next Generation

Youth addiction doesn’t happen by chance

3 Ways the Industry Hooks the Next Generation

Around the world, 37 million kids aged 13-15 use tobacco. That same age group uses e-cigarettes at higher rates than adults.

This isn’t by chance.

It’s the result of the tobacco and related industries creating an environment that makes it easy, appealing and profitable for youth to start using these harmful products. Here’s how they do it.

With products that appeal to youth. Candy flavors, products that look like toys and labels that feature cartoon characters will undoubtedly appeal to children.

Even though these products are allegedly intended only for adults, the industry has used social media marketing to reach over 150 million youth across TikTok, Instagram, X and Facebook.

Via misleading messages. The industry tries to look good to younger audiences by promoting its charity work, such as sponsoring scholarships, and saying they care about sustainability.

The goal? To improve its reputation and influence regulation in favor of its products.

By interfering in policies that would protect youth. The industry fights flavor bans and higher tobacco taxes—two measures that would reduce youth uptake. Without these regulations, tobacco and nicotine products are more appealing and more affordable to youth.